- From 20:00 to 21:15: Lesson with Horacio Godoy and Maricel Giacomini (Milonga estilo Milonguero 1938-1941)
- From 19:30 to 20:45: Lesson with Horacio Godoy and Maricel Giacomini (Technique. Height levels for making dance three-dimensional)
- From 20:45 to 22:00: Lesson with Dante Culcuy and Yanina Erramouspe (Tango for the dance floor)
Saturday 12
- From 12:00 to 13:00: Lesson with Yanina Erramouspe (Feminine Technique)
- From 13:00 to 14:15: Lesson with Yanina Quiñones and Neri Piliu (Giros and their dance variations)
- From 15:00 to 16:15: Lesson with Horacio Godoy and Maricel Giacomini (The 4 elements part two)
- From 16:30 to 17:45: Lesson with Horacio Godoy and Maricel Giacomini (Enrosques for both male and female roles)
- From 18:00 to 19:15: Lesson with Horacio Godoy and Maricel Giacomini (Differences between the 3 largest Milonguero-style orchestras. Darienzo, Señor Del Tango, and Troilo. How to dance them)
- From 20:45 to 22:00: Lesson with Francesca Sutera & Giovanni Eredia (Sacadas and ganchos: combining these two elements)
- From 12:30 to 13:45: Lesson with Horacio Godoy and Maricel Giacomini (Darienzo-Maure. Why it’s so different, how to understand and then improve the interpretation)